Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Holiday Recap

If it wasn't for all the goodies at work, I think I would have been ok! But I can't complain too much...I made each choice and my clothes still fit. I definitely made better choices this Christmas than prior years. I would say I had dessert everyday, but I did stop eating when full. My meals were a little more indulgent with cheese, butter, etc. I did stick to a healthy Green Monster every morning and then either lunch or dinner was indulgent.

I did pretty well with the workouts (only got in half my running):

Monday: 75 min Power Yoga
Tuesday: 60 min Power Yoga
Wednesday: off
Thursday: 75 min Yoga, 2.5 mile run
Friday: off
Saturday: 75 min Power yoga
Sunday: 2.5 mile run

This week I am hoping for 4 yoga classes and 10 far just one yoga class, so I have to step it up!

On to a more exciting note...I got a new SLR camera for I may take the blog in another direction and begin posting more food and recipe entries...maybe one prepared meal per day. I just need to learn how to work it goal for the weekend!

Another goal for the weekend is to do lots of running...small amount (2-2.5 miles) each day with my boyfriend and his little sister (she is 15). She mentioned she wanted to workout with us, which I think is AWESOME! We got her a Lululemon hoodie for Christmas...I think that's what inspired her...haha! I am planning to run with them twice over the long weekend and do my own runs twice. The runs with them will be at more of a beginner level, but it will be fun and I'll count them as cross-training!

Another cool gift I got was a cookbook that uses goat cheese in every recipe! I love goat cheese! I made a salmon taco dish last night and it was glorious...I will have to make again and post pic with my new camera!


  1. Yay! Your new camera and cookbook sound fun. I am curious to hear about these goat cheese recipes. I too am a fan! And way to inspire those around you. I think it's neat that the bf's lil sis wants to partake in your running. I think the running bug is contagious!!

  2. What a great Christmas gift! I look forward to photos & recipes in the near future. Have fun this weekend!

  3. That would be great is his little sister would workout with you two! How fun! I am so jealous of your new camera :-)

  4. So cool your boyfriend's lil sis wants to run with you! What is the name of that cookbook? It sounds fab!

  5. mmmmmm.....I LOVE goat cheese.
